Thinking of Joining?




The new season's membership will start on the 1st April 2024. 

Point of contact regarding membership is Prue Mackee.  Tel: 07714 091757

The membership secretary is Jenny Ulyatt.  Tel: 07793 360243

 To join the Club: Membership fees are now taken via the LTA Clubspark system.  (Please note: you will need to register with the LTA before joining the Club). To join please go to:


"Note: You will need to be registered with the LTA Advantage and have your LTA username and Password handy"


To join the LTA Advantage programme free of charge please click on the link


LTA Advantage Programme registration  


 Membership fees for the season 2025-26 Fee payable  
 Adult  £200.00  
 Family  £400.00  
 Receiving Benefits  £100.00  
 Undergraduate Student  £100.00   
 Junior 12-18  £75.00   
 Junior Under 12  £65.00   
 Mini member U9  £20.00   
 Guardian  £50.00   

Additional Information

The table above shows the current fee structure until 31st March 2026. Please note that these fees apply regardless of when you join in the season (unless stated otherwise), so the earlier you join the better!




Family membership can cover 2 adults and up to 4 children under 18 living at the same address. Any additional children must apply separately. Please note: Family membership MUST include at least one child. The Club also welcomes single-parent families and is keen to encourage and help them to join us. If you are a single parent and would like more information about how we can help, please contact the Membership Secretary (Jenny Ulyatt) on 07793 360243. Junior Members. Please note that in order to qualify for Junior 12-18 category, you must be under 18 on 1st April (the first day of the season) and for Under 12 membership under 12 on the same date. Those still at school in full-time education but turned 18 on 1st April of the season in question may count as being "Junior" for that season.




Student members must be full-time undergraduate students and will be required to give their student ID number when applying.




Mini members are children 8 years old or younger on the 1st April 2024. The fee entitles the member to receive coaching and enter competitions. 




Guardian membership is intended for any adult who, being the parent of a child receiving coaching, wishes to play only occasionally and only with his/her child and at quiet times only.




Visitors must be signed in by a member and may play for a maximum of two visits for a fee £10.00 per person per hour (Under 18 visitors £2.00 per hour). Please scan the QR code in the clubhouse to make a payment.




Proof of membership is provided by a membership shoe tag which will be sent to all members and which must be worn at all times when on court.










Join us now by clicking here and filling in the appropriate application form.